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- Document Varexx Readme 14 Dec 1995
- Varexx Documentation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Release 1.4 (c)1995 Andrew Cook
- 14 Dec 1995
- 1. Introduction - So what is it and what can it do ?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Varexx is a program that allows you to control graphical user
- interfaces (GUI's) from Arexx. The program loads the .gui files that
- are saved by Jan van den Baard's Gadtoolsbox program and displays them
- on the screen. Arexx scripts can then send messages to a port and
- control the actions of the Gui. The script can read and set the
- contents of each of the gadgets, resize the window and such like.
- 2. Legal Bit - What won't I do ?
- --------------------------------
- Some or all of the files in this package may be may be transmitted by
- any means. Providing words to the effect of
- Varexx and Arexxport.library are Copyright(c)1995 Andrew Cook.
- and my email address (amc93el@soton.ac.uk) are included in the
- accompanying documentation. The files are FreeWare, copyright is
- retained by the author (Andrew Cook).
- These files may be included in any distribution commercial, shareware,
- freeware or other. I would like to be informed of any such packages,
- (drop me an email) but this is not a requirement.
- I take no responsibility for anything Varexx may do to your system.
- But is less likely to crash your Amiga than a certain new operating
- system 95 will. (Unless you've got a bridge board of course.)
- 3. About the Author - So who are you ?
- --------------------------------------
- I am a third year electronics undergraduate at the University of
- Southampton, England. I like SF, technology and having a laugh. If you
- like you can't check out my www site as I haven't got one. However do
- drop me a email to
- amc93el@soton.ac.uk
- This will be valid until August 1996 after which I will get a demon
- account. So download this package again and pick my new address out of
- that.
- 4. Installation - What do I do now ?
- ------------------------------------
- There are two programs in the Varexx distribution just copy both into
- your path.
- Varexx GUIPATH
- This launches the Varexx server. This opens a port called VAREXX and
- waits for scripts to send messages to it. The server detaches itself
- properly so it can be run in the user-startup with the line "Varexx".
- Only one copy of Varexx can (and needs to) be running at one time.
- The Varexx program requires the Arexxport.library and the
- reqtools.library, both of these are included in the distribution, copy
- them into your libs: assignment.
- The command can be optionally followed by a path. This will be used as
- the default path to load .gui files from.
- eg Varexx rexx:gui/
- Varexx will now look in rexx:gui/ path for any .gui files it needs.
- This closes the Varexx server down. This can only be done if no gui
- files are currently loaded into the server.
- 10. The Demo Script - What can it do ?
- --------------------------------------
- To run the demos, click on the DemoSetup Icon. Then open the demos
- drawer and click on the demo or the address book icons.
- The demo shows off the features of Varexx and source code will reveal
- most of the information needed to write your own scripts for Varexx.
- The Address Book is a simple address database written in Arexx. It
- demonstrates the use of two windows at once with Varexx.
- When address book is started a file requester will appear asking for a
- data file to load. An example containing a few interesting people I
- know is included. (Load the example address.data).
- The main window is now displayed. You can scroll through the names
- using the '<' and '>' buttons. Clicking on the 'List' produces a list
- of names in the book and picking a name jumps to that entry.
- To add an entry click on the 'Clear' button. Fill in the entries and
- click on 'Update' to add the entry to the book.
- To change an entry, find it, change it and click on 'Update'.
- To delete an entry, click on delete, clicking twice undelete it. None
- of the changes are saved until the address book is closed. A that
- time, the entries are saved and the address book is sorted.
- The testgui file, brings up a filerequester asking for the a .gui file.
- It then displays this and echos all messages from Varexx to the output
- console.
- TestGUI2 does the same except, that it hacks about inside the .gui file
- and extracts the name of all the windows in the file and gives you the
- choice of them. This script was written by Nick Ring and contains some
- hairy code so he will be horrified that I've distributed it unchanged.
- I apologise to him for that - but it can be useful.
- Fergus Duniho has a script to use his spell checker - AlphaSpell - with
- Varexx. It's on the Aminet as text/util/AspellGUI.lha. (And well worth a
- look.)
- 5. Programming Varexx - How do they do that ?
- ---------------------------------------------
- So you want to create your own Arexx gui's. You need will need to
- create a gui file using Gadtoolsbox, see the documentation on using
- that program and the notes below.
- Having created the gui file you must then write the script to load and
- display the window.
- Some Notes / Comments and Ideas
- Okay, having seen a few peoples scripts and written a few of my own. I
- feel that some ground rules (ideas anyway) should be written.
- 1) Starting, stopping the Varexx server from within a script.
- I feel you should only close the Varexx server ('address command VXC'
- does it) if you have started it youself. See the example script below.
- 2) The location of the .GUI file.
- Your script should not hard code this. I feel the best thing to set a
- variable near the start of the script containing the .gui file name.
- Allowing the user to change it easily. Secondly I would assume that all
- the .gui files will be stored in a single location, and that the user
- will tell varexx where that is. So don't hard code paths into the gui
- file name.
- But that's just my $0.02 worth.
- 5.3. Example Script
- -------------------
- /* Test script for Varexx */
- guifile = 'myguifile.gui'
- options results
- /* Open libs needed */
- if ~show("L","rexxsupport.library") then
- if ~addlib("rexxsupport.library", 0, -30) then exit
- /* Check Varexx is loaded if not load it */
- if show( 'p', 'VAREXX' ) ~= 1 then do
- address command 'run Varexx'
- waitforport VAREXX
- RanVarexx = TRUE
- end; else
- RanVarexx = FALSE
- address VAREXX
- /* Open the port for gui to talk to */
- call openport("WINDOWPORT")
- /* Load the gui file into Varexx */
- 'load ' guifile 'WINDOWPORT'
- /* Set host to the port for this gui file */
- host = result
- address value host
- /* Display the window */
- show
- /* Wait for the user to close the window */
- do forever
- /* Wait for a message from Varexx */
- call waitpkt( "WINDOWPORT" )
- /* Get the message */
- packet = getpkt( "WINDOWPORT" )
- /* This is not a null message */
- if packet ~= '00000000'x then do
- /* Get the information about the message */
- class = getarg(packet)
- /* If the message says the user clicked on the closewindow
- * gadget then leave */
- if class = closewindow then leave
- end
- end
- /* Hide the window and unload the gui file from memory */
- 'hide unload'
- /* Close the port */
- call closeport( "WINDOWPORT" )
- /* I launched varexx so close it */
- if RanVarexx = TRUE then ADDRESS COMMAND VXC
- exit
- 5.1. The GUI files
- ------------------
- When using Gadtoolsbox to design .gui file for Varexx the following
- hints may be useful.
- At the moment, Menus are not supported by Varexx so don't bother to
- set any up. Also Fixed Text and Bevel boxes are not rendered by
- Varexx. Varexx will ignore any Custom or Public screen settings. This
- may change in the future so it is best to design the Gui to open on
- the default public screen. This allows the screen to be specified by
- the PS argument to the load command and will not clash with any
- future behavior of Varexx. The plan is to have Varexx able to open
- custom public / private screens at some time.
- Of the window flags :
- SIZEGADGET - Varexx doesn't resize the gadgets in a window.
- But this flag may be set.
- DEPTHGADGET - May be set.
- SMART_REFRESH - Ignored by Varexx.
- SUPER_BITMAP - Ignored by Varexx.
- BACKDROP - May be set. (Not often useful.)
- GIMMEZEROZERO - This has no effect on the final appearance.
- However less memory is used if it is left off.
- ACTIVATE - May be set.
- DRAGBAR - May be set.
- CLOSEGADGET - May be set.
- SIMPLE_REFRESH - Ignored by Varexx.
- OTHER_REFRESH - Ignored By Varexx.
- REPORT_MOUSE - Ignored By Varexx.
- BORDERLESS - May be set. ( But not very useful.)
- RMBTRAP - Ignored by Varexx.
- A subset of the IDCMP options are used by Varexx. If these options are
- selected then Varexx will send additional messages to the Arexx script.
- IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW - A activewindow message is sent when the Varexx
- window becomes active. ie. when the user clicks on it.
- IDCMP_INACTIVEWINDOW - A inactivewindow message is sent when the Varexx
- window ceases to be active. ie. when the user clicks outside it.
- IDCMP_DISKINSERTED - A diskinserted message is sent when when a disk
- is inserted.
- IDCMP_DISKREMOVED - A diskremoved message is sent if a disk is removed.
- IDCMP_NEWSIZE - A newsize message is sent when the size of the window
- is changed. This includes clicking on the ZIP gadget.
- IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW - A changewindow message is sent when there is any
- change in the window's size or position.
- Of the tags,
- InnerWidth, InnerHeight,
- AutoAdjust, FallBack - May be set.
- MouseQueue, RptQueue - Are all ignored by Varexx.
- WindowTitle is used.
- ScreenTitle is used. Enter a blank title to get the default screen
- title.
- Prefs Zoom and Pos Zoom will give a window with no size gadget a
- zoom gadget. Both zip the window to it's title bar. Prefs also moves
- the window to the top left corner of the screen.
- All gadgets are supported. The label for each gadget is the title used
- by Varexx to name each gadget. Varexx converts these to uppercase and
- is case sensitive. This is because Arexx has a habit of uppercasing
- words and doing this avoids having too many ' and " in the Arexx
- program.
- FILE_KIND gadgets rely on the script to supply the filerequester, they
- just act as BUTTON_KIND gadgets. This allows the script rather than
- Varexx to determine the information in the requester.
- Key Strokes ( _Cancel etc ) are supported, providing the box is ticked
- in Gadtoolsbox. Tabbing between gadget also works.
- Do not compress your GUI files or you will be in deep trouble.
- Default options listed for the LISTVIEW kind do not work.
- 5.2. Arexx Commands
- ------------------
- When Varexx is active there are three different ports that you have to
- deal with. Two of these are opened by Varexx and you send messages to
- them. The other is opened by you and Varexx sends messages to it when
- the user clicks on a gadget.
- When the Varexx server it opens a port called 'VAREXX' there are two
- commands that can be sent to this port.
- 5.2.1. Commands for the VAREXX port.
- ---------------------------------
- When launched Varexx opens a Arexx port called 'VAREXX'. This port
- accepts two different commands.
- Load
- ------------
- Loads the given .gui file into memory. If the file is given an absolute
- path ( ie. rexx:gui/myfile.gui ) then that will be loaded. If not then the
- default path ( given when Varexx is run ) will be used. If not found
- there then the file on its own will be looked for.
- ie. If Varexx is run with the line "Varexx rexx:guifiles/"
- The commands
- load fish/mygui.gui
- will try to load "rexx:guifiles/fish/mygui.gui" and then try
- "fish/mygui.gui".
- load rexx:fish/mygui.gui
- tries to load "rexx:fish/mygui.gui".
- load mygui.gui
- tries to load "rexx:guifiles/mygui.gui" and then "mygui.gui".
- This command doesn't display the window however. PORT is the name of
- the port to which the window will send messages when the user operates
- the window's gadgets. This port should be created with the OpenPort( )
- function in the rexxsupport library.
- The windows will open on the default public screen unless the name of
- an alternative screen is given in the PS option.
- This command returns the name (in result - so turn 'options results'
- on first) of a Arexx port to which messages about this window may be
- sent.
- eg
- options results
- ...
- address VAREXX
- call openport("SQUID")
- 'load dh1:c_src/Varexx2/gui/test.gui SQUID PS=MYSCREEN'
- host = result
- This loads the gui file 'test.gui' into memory, setting it to send
- messages to a port called 'SQUID', display it's windows on the
- MYSCREEN and it will receive commands at the port named in the
- variable 'host'. (Use 'address var host' to send commands.)
- Quit
- -------------
- quit
- If there are no .gui file currently loaded by the Varexx server
- this command will close the server down and free the memory used by
- it. This is what the VXC command sends to the VAREXX port.
- Version
- ----------------
- version
- Returns the version number of currently active copy of Varexx. The
- version number is returned in RESULT. This command first appeared in
- v1.3 so use code like this.
- Options Results
- ...
- version
- if rc ~= 0 then say 'Varexx 1.2 or earlier'
- else say 'Varexx 'RESULT
- ...
- This command may also be sent to the window ports as well.
- 5.2.2. Commands for window ports
- --------------------------------
- The following command can be sent to the specific port for a gui file,
- ie. the portname returned by the load command.
- Show
- -------------
- show WINDOW
- This displays the named window. The window name is given to the
- window in Gadtoolsbox not the window title. If no name is given then
- the first window in the file is displayed.
- Hide
- ------------
- hide UNLOAD/S
- If the .gui file has a window open this command will close it. If
- the unload option is given, the .gui file will be removed from
- memory as well. You cannot read information from the windows gadgets
- after this command has been given. This command can be given with the
- unload option when no window is open to free up memory.
- Window
- ---------------
- This command changes the state of the window.
- ZIP - move the window to it's alternate place and size. As if the
- user clicked the zip gadget.
- FRONT - Brings the window to front of the screen.
- BACK - Puts it to the back (surprised ?).
- ACTIVATE - Gives the window the focus for user input.
- Busy
- -------------
- busy SET/S
- The command 'busy set' sets the busy pointer in the Varexx window
- and blocks all user input to the window. Just 'busy' on its own clears
- the pointer and unblocks the window again.
- Set
- ------------
- This enables / disables the given gadget(s). A list of gadgets can
- be given and all will be affected.
- Settext
- ----------------
- settext LABEL/A,STRING/F
- Passes the given string to the gadget. Used by STRING_KIND and
- TEXT_KIND gadgets only. This sets the text in both of those types.
- Setnum
- ---------------
- Passes the number to the given gadget. Sets the value of NUMBER_KIND
- and INTEGER_KIND gadgets. Picks the option for MX_KIND and CYCLE_KIND
- (these are numbered from 0 upwards ). Sets the position of the marker
- in SCROLLER and SLIDER kind.
- Setcheck
- -----------------
- setcheck LABEL/A,CHECK/S
- Set a gadget of CHECKBOX_KIND to ticked or not.
- Setbar
- ---------------
- For a SLIDER_KIND this sets the max and min values of the run.
- For a SCROLLER_KIND this sets the max values and the number of
- units the knob represents.
- SetList
- ----------------
- Controls the listview type of gadgets. Okay, this is were it gets fun.
- CLEAR switch this clears the listview. Before any other action is
- taken. ITEMS is a list of items to be added to the bottom of the list.
- Or if the DEL option is given as well these items will be removed from
- the list instead.
- The SELECT key word is used to specify which item is currently
- selected. Some examples of these :
- setlist label CLEAR cod haddock place
- Clears the current list and replaces it with the items 'cod',
- 'haddock' and 'place'.
- setlist label DEL cod
- Removes item 'cod' from the list.
- setlist label select=place
- selects the 'place' item.
- Finally the STEM option. This gives the name of an Arexx variable from
- which the items to be added to the list are taken. The variable
- 'stem.COUNT' must contain the number of items, which are then numbered
- 'stem.1', 'stem.2' etc. This option only allows you to add to the list
- you cannot use the DEL switch in conjunction with this. But the SELECT
- and CLEAR options do work. In addition the variable 'stem.SELECT' may
- contain the number of item in the list to be selected.
- To do the same as
- setlist label CLEAR cod haddock place SELECT cod
- You can use
- fish.COUNT = 3
- fish.1 = cod
- fish.2 = haddock
- fish.3 = place
- fish.SELECT = 1
- setlist label CLEAR STEM fish
- Note :
- Some other rexx utils use stem.0 to hold the number of items rather
- than stem.COUNT. A line like stem.0 = 'stem.COUNT' is no real bother.
- So Varexx will stick to using stem.COUNT
- Read
- -------------
- Allow Arexx to read the current state of the gadget. The state of the
- gadget is returned in RESULT. If the gadget is a listview and the VAR
- option is given then the complete list is written into the same stem
- variables as the setlist command uses.
- The NUMBER option will return the ordinal number of the item in the
- list view in the RESULT variable.
- If the list contains the items 'cod' 'haddock' 'place' and 'cod' is
- selected then
- read label cake
- will set these variables.
- cake.COUNT = 3
- cake.1 = cod
- cake.2 = haddock
- cake.3 = place
- cake.SELECT = 1
- Also the commands
- options results
- read label NUMBER
- will give RESULT = 1.
- If no item is selected in the listview then stem.SELECT = 0.
- Spawn
- ---------------
- This command allows you to have more than one window open on the screen at
- once. It works in the same way as the load command. except that instead of
- loading a new .gui file. It merely clones the already loaded one. The
- command returns a new VAREXX.## portname in the RESULT field.
- options results
- ...
- address VAREXX
- call openport("SQUID")
- 'load dh1:c_src/Varexx2/gui/test.gui SQUID PS=MYSCREEN'
- host = result
- address value host
- show window_one
- call openport("SQUID.1")
- 'spawn SQUID.1 PS=MYSCREEN2'
- host2 = result
- address value host2
- show window_two
- This opens the 'window_one' on the MYSCREEN public screen and 'window_two'
- Each window must be passed a hide unload command to free up the memory
- connected with it. However the order in which these are sent doesn't
- matter.
- 5.4. Messages from Varexx
- -------------------------
- Varexx sends messages to the port your script when events occur. Most of
- these messages will be as a result of user action. Every time a gadget
- is clicked a message is sent consisting the gadgets label and some
- information. The information is dependant on the gadgets type.
- BUTTON_KIND, FILE_KIND - No information. Just the gadget name is sent.
- STRING_KIND - The text entered by the user into the gadget.
- NUMBER_KIND - The number entered into the gadget
- MX_KIND, CYCLE_KIND - The option number selected.
- CHECKBOX_KIND - TRUE if the gadget is ticked otherwise FALSE.
- SLIDER_KIND, SCROLLER_KIND - The slider numeric position.
- LISTVIEW_KIND - The contents of the selected item.
- When the user selects the close window gadget a message of 'CLOSEWINDOW'
- is sent.
- If the correct flags have been set in the IDCMP section of Gadtoolsbox
- then these messages may be received.
- It is left as an exercise for the reader to decide what events can cause
- each one ? ( Hint - Look in section 5.1 :-)
- Some Arexx commands ( WINDOW ) may cause some of these messages to be
- sent so it is possible to get stuck in a loop situation.
- When windows that have been spawned the CLOSEWINDOW, ACTIVEWINDOW,
- INACTIVEWINDOW, NEWSIZE and CHANGEWINDOW window messages will append the
- name of the window they came from (if and only if they come from a
- spawned window.) This allows two windows to share the same port in an
- arexx script.
- 6. Thanks - Could not be done without ?
- ---------------------------------------
- And now for something tacky
- Thanks to
- Jan van den Baard - For Gadtoolsbox.
- Nico Francois - For reqtools and many other programs.
- Richard Rauch - Some early ideas.
- Fergus Duniho - For AlphaSpell and relighting my interest in
- this project with his gui's for XES and
- ideas and help.
- Matt Dillon - For DICE.
- Peter Miller - A PC programmer but with a knowledge of
- 68000 assembler and constant source of
- (dis)couragement.
- Stephan Sürken - For Text2Guide.
- Douglas Keller - The ButClass code. (It on the Aminet in dev/gui).
- Escom - For this new A1200.
- Commodore - For this A500.
- These people and others have lent ideas, bug reports, moans and even
- in some cases actually used Varexx.
- Kevin Phair, Jim Hines, John Collett, Boris Folgmann, Gregg Green,
- Nick Ring.
- (Sounds for people being sick offstage.)
- Cheers
- Andy Cook
- Email 'amc93el@soton.ac.uk'
- Varexx Copyright (c)1995 Andrew Cook
- Arexxport.library Copyright (c)1995 Andrew Cook
- reqtools.library Copyright (c) Nico Francois
- rexxreqtools.library Copyright (c)1992-1994 Rafael D'Halleweyn.
- AlphaSpell Copyright (c)1995 Fergus Duniho.
- Text2Guide 03.10 Copyright (c)1994 Stephan Sürken
- All other copyrights, trademarks etc acknowledged.
- The button class and file_kind gadgets where created with BOOPSI objects
- based on those by Douglas Keller.
- 7. Arexxport Library - What is that ?
- -------------------------------------
- This is a shared library I wrote to allow the easy, yet flexible
- implementation of Arexx ports in programs. If you would like the
- (brief) documentation and support files. Drop me a line.
- 8. Todo - What's left ?
- -----------------------
- Features To Add ( possible )
- - Use the IDCMP flags to get mouse and keyboard events.
- - The GadToolsBox program allows you to define beveled boxes, and
- fixed text neither of these are rendered by Varexx at the moment.
- - Number option on setlist (Suggested by Fergus).
- - Cursor keys to control listviews.
- - Opening / closing of custom screens.
- - Menus.
- - Read and set X and Y co-ords of windows. Using a READCORDS SETCORDS
- commands.
- - Locale.
- - Use of the backfill window tag thing. Option on Show.
- - Ability to set Text in gadgets from Scripts. Would allow the use of
- the locale.library easilly.
- - Adding items to Cycle gadgets.
- If you want / need one of these (or anything else) email me.
- 9. History - What was done when ?
- ---------------------------------
- 9.1. v0.0 To v0.5
- -----------------
- v0.2
- 02-09-95 - First beta test version.
- 06-09-95 - Added the Window ZIP/S,FRONT/S,BACK/S,ACTIVATE/S command.
- v0.3
- 09-09-95 - Added stem/A option to setlist command that adds items to
- list view from rexx variables. Suggested by Fergus.
- - Added a /M option to the set command allows enabling and
- disabling of many gadgets in one line.
- 10-09-95 - When the close gadget is clicked now returns CLOSEWINDOW
- rather than closewindow. This is more consistent but
- breaks all scripts so far written. :-(
- 14-09-95 - Some internal clean up.
- - BUGFIX Text_kind gadgets now work properly.
- - Removed the ALL/S option from read command. It didn't do
- anything !
- - read and setlist now can make use of a stem.SELECT
- variable.
- - Added NUMBER/S option to read command.
- v0.4
- 17-09-95 - Cleaned up error reporting code.
- - Added code to close the window is the port to which it
- should send messages is closed. Ie when the script dies.
- 30-09-95 - BUGFIX Varexx died if the libs weren't installed. Now it
- doesn't you get a nice error message instead. Unless of
- course it was the intuition.library that could not be
- loaded. In which case your Amiga may be sick. Reported by
- Boris.
- - BUGFIX Fixed string bugs that caused enforcer hits. Again
- thanks to Boris.
- 01-10-95 - BUGFIX Located the bug that caused Guru's after exit. Fixed
- but had to removed key short cuts. Boris and enforcer at
- work again.
- - BUGFIX Can now read properly from unclicked gadgets.
- v0.5
- 02-10-95 - Added my own key handling functions.
- 04-10-95 - Wrote a routine to load the .gui files myself. Thus
- removing the need for GadToolsBox.library.
- - Then replaced the nofrag library with the exec libpooled
- functions.
- 05-10-95 - BUGFIX In List view selection. When the current item
- was deleted the selection was not cleared. Reported by
- Fergus.
- 9.2. v1.0, v1.1
- -----------------
- v1.0
- 05-11-95 - First non-beta release.
- 07-11-95 - Minor change to window command. Doesn't call
- WindowToFront() or WindowToBack if not needed.
- 09-11-95 - Removed the GET command.
- 20-11-95 - BUGFIX In settext parsing. Reported by Fergus.
- v1.1
- 20-11-95 - BUGFIX The layout of gadgets with different fonts works
- correctly.
- 21-11-95 - Added support for disk, windowsize, windowactive events.
- 21-11-95 - BUGFIX Check box gadget now sends the correct messages.
- 22-11-95 - BUGFIX Large number of selections in cycle gadgets caused
- guru's. Reported by Nick Ring.
- 22-11-95 - Add default path for .gui support.
- 9.3. v1.2 To v1.4
- -----------------
- v1.2
- 22-11-95 - Second public release.
- 27-11-95 - Can now use set to disable MX_KIND and LISTVIEW_KIND. However
- operation only has an effect on v39+ versions of gadtools.
- 28-11-95 - Added spawn command. Allows more than one window to open from
- one GUI at a time.
- 30-11-95 - BUGFIX Read command now returns 0 in stem.SELECT if not item
- is selected in the list view. Reported by Nick Ring.
- 04-12-95 - Tidied up the spawn command.
- v1.3
- 04-12-95 - Added a version command.
- 04-12-95 - Now remembers location of windows when they are closed.
- 05-12-95 - Now supports GET_FILE gadgets (suggested by Nick Ring) and
- correctly supports shortcuts for buttons.
- 06-12-95 - Settext with no line, now clears the gadgets.
- 06-12-95 - BUGFIX Dealt with enforcer hits reported by Kevin Phair.
- 07-12-95 - Tided up the distribution
- 08-12-95 - MX_KIND gadgets now respond to key strokes.
- 11-12-95 - BUGFIX Some problems with the setlist command.
- v1.4
- 14-12-95 - Third public release.